2014 SVB Ownership Transitions in the Wine Industry 2014

Source: svb.com

svb-ownership-transitions-in-the-wine-industry-2014-smallSilicon Valley Bank’s Wine Division has issued a new study, Ownership Transitions in the Wine Industry 2014, that examines the current historic high numbers of winery sales and transitions. Ten percent of wineries are strongly considering a sale within the next five years, and one in three is open to a sale under the right circumstances. The results underscore the robust marketplace for small- and mid-sized wineries, with more winery sales and ownership transitions today compared to any other period.

Click here to view the SVB Ownership Transitions Report (pdf)

Key Findings

  • 10.5 percent of West Coast wineries are likely to sell in the next five years. Extrapolating from these results, 524 West Coast wineries are strongly considering a sale within the next five years.
  • The number of wineries considering a sale is roughly split between commercial wineries and lifestyle properties.
  • Wineries in Washington State are more likely to be sold in the near term versus other regions.
  • 31 percent of wineries are open to a sale under the right circumstances, indicating the industry is partially through the predicted transition.
  • The sales activity experienced subsequent to 2008 will continue for at least another five years, and most likely slightly longer.
  • The near-term pace of sales likely will slow, but only slightly from that experienced in the past three years.
  • Winery sales are expected to be led by smaller wineries, many of whose properties include personal residences, which represent a larger part of assets when compared with larger wineries.
  • 48 percent of the predicted winery sales will occur in businesses that produce more than 5,000 cases annually.